
'Wehuggedeachotherandsobbed':GroundFloorCoffeeownerondecisiontoclosehome-basedbusinessandopencafe ...,12SAFservicemensustainednon-seriousinjuriesandhavebeentransportedtohospital.AccordingtoMINDEF,theyarecurrentlybeingtreatedorrecoveringwell ...,Swipethroughthesectionsforallthelateststoriesfromawiderangeoftopics,suchasAsiaandWorldnews,technology,busin...

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'We hugged each other and sobbed': Ground Floor Coffee owner on decision to close home-based business and open cafe ...

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12 SAF servicemen sustained non-serious injuries and have been transported to hospital. According to MINDEF, they are currently being treated or recovering well ...

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